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A $8000 Shiba Inu investment helped a 35-year-old man become a millionaire and retire

It is no doubt that the cryptocurrency industry has changed several lives. However, several became millionaires in recent years, thanks to an asset that was launched inspired by a meme coin. There are numerous Shiba Inu [SHIB] success stories. However, some have been life-changing. Revisiting a similar story from 2021 highlights, how revolutionary SHIB has been. Back in 2021, a 35-year-old supermarket warehouse manager Rob decided to explore the crypto-verse. He stumbled upon a 28-page whitepaper of the Shiba Inu network. This further got Rob invested in the meme coin. He said,

“After reading that, I was hooked. I just believed the words.”

Rob was taken by the terms “experiment in decentralized spontaneous community development” that the woofpaper used to describe Shiba Inu. The report noted how Shiba Inus are wonderful dogs which also prompted Rob to make an investment.

Rob and his risky bet on Shiba Inu

The manager who was struggling to make $68K a year, went on to make a rather risky bet on SHIB for $8K. This was a rather significant bet considering Rob’s background. However, things soon began to change for the former warehouse manager as SHIB began its upward trajectory. Rob further stated he would check his account hourly to make sure his profits were still present since he could see his holdings growing as the coin’s value continued to rise in May. When his Shiba Inu holdings hit $500K, he decided to cash it out and deposited it into his bank account. This certainly surprised him as he exclaimed,

“I come from quite a poor background. I could never have even fantasized about having this much money. But it wasn’t gone. It wasn’t a dream.”

Rob’s investment soon reached over $1 million as the coin’s value experienced another rise. The meme coin managed to rise once again in October. Therefore, Rob as well as other SHIB millionaires are likely to have pocketed gains. He even claimed that he won’t yet wipe out his whole capital, unlike the previous $500K he had cashed in May.

He fervently thinks it still has a lot of potential. Furthermore, Rob also asserted that joining the Shiba Inu community gave him a sense of belonging. Since then, he has invested in additional Shiba Inu ecosystem currencies like LEASH.

How is the meme coin faring now?

Zach Humphries

Things haven’t been that great for SHIB. While adoption and network developments are going about in full swing, the price of the asset continued to slump. Currently, the meme coin is 88% below its all-time high of $0.00008845. At press time, SHIB was trading for $0.00001018 with a 1.11% daily drop.

Source – SHIB/USDT Chart on TradingView


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Author: William Williams

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Name: William Williams

Birthday: 1961-01-31

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Job: Journalist

Hobby: Scuba Diving, Robotics, Bird Watching, Chocolate Making, Hiking, DIY Electronics, Yoga

Introduction: My name is William Williams, I am a steadfast, enterprising, bold, apt, fearless, capable, dear person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.